Date of Joining : 01/02/2023
Mobile No : 9443772991
Email ID :
Institutional and Administrative responsibilities : Teaching and Department Administration
Total experience in years : 28 years
Guided Projects : PG - 30, Ph.D - 2, Co Guide - 3
Areas of interest : Pharmacognosy
Publication : International : 10 , National : 40
Books/ Chapters published : Nil
Participation as resource faculty : Yes
Conference attended :10
Workshop : 5
Seminar : 10
Funded projects/ Grants received : MODROB - AICTE
Awards and honours : 3
R & D consultancy / Training provided : Nil
Instruments / Laboratory skills : HPTLC, GCMS, MICROTOME SECTIONING
Computer and S/W Skills : Yes
Professional affiliation : Yes